Welcome to the official site of the Missouri State Elks Association, established October 12, 1909.

We are comprised of approximately 30,000 dedicated Elks and their families belonging to 71 lodges within 8 districts that make up our magnificent state.

To inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its Members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities through benevolent programs, demonstrating that Elks Care – Elks Share.

Message from the Missouri Elks Association State President, Dr. Jason Meisenheimer

Jason Meisenheimer

Welcome to the Missouri Elks Association (MEA) website. I hope you enjoy your visit with us. My name is Dr. Jason Meisenheimer and I have the privilege of serving as the Missouri Elks Association State President for the fraternal year 2025-2026.

The MEA was instituted on October 12, 1909 with our oldest Lodge, St. Louis #9, being instituted on December 8, 1878. So, the Elks have been alive and well in Missouri for 148 years.

On our website you will find information about our State Major Project (Missouri Benevolent Trust Dental Program), State Programs, Contact Information, Photos, Forms and a little about our history. Be sure to check out the “History of MEA” under MENU on the left and take the time to view the pictures of the MEA Past State Presidents. Missouri Elks are proud of all the charitable work we do and volunteer hours we put into our communities while expecting nothing in return, because “Elks Care, Elks Share!”

My motto for this year is “REKINDLING THE COMPASSION IN THE HEART OF ELKDOM” and that is broken down into three parts. My slogan is “ELKS NEVER FORGET, THANK A VET” which is core to the Elks’ focus on our Nation’s Veterans, Active Military and their families. Heather’s slogan is “ELKS CARE, SAVE A PAIR”; as a Mammographer and one who has lost family members to breast cancer, our work will be to increase awareness of breast cancer and other health issues. The MEA PER Association banner is “ELKS HEED THE CRY OF AFFLICTION”; under which we hope to reach out to our communities in hopes of finding new ways to impact the lives of our friends and neighbors.

Heather and I are looking forward to visiting with everyone during our travels around our state this year and making new friends, meeting new people and sharing stories. It promises to be a fun and exciting year and we invite all of you to join us in making our new memories fantastic.


Dr. Jason Meisenheimer, State President
Missouri Elks Association

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Elks Care - Elks Share
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